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Candidate, Bevin Perdu

| Lambton Kent District School Board (Sarnia and Point Edward), ONSarnia and Point Edward

CLC rating: Supportable

SupportableLight Rating

Rating Comments: Agrees that parents should receive advance notification of lessons or presentations that might contradict their religious beliefs, and be supported in their inherent right to withdraw their children from that lesson/class/presentation.
Percentage in last election: 9.9% (2022)
Victory margin last election: -6.4% (2022)
Religion / Faith: unknown
  • Legend for Light
    Rating System
  • Green Light
    GREEN light means the person supports CLC principles and is rated as SUPPORTABLE
  • Red Light
    RED light means the person is NOT SUPPORTABLE
  • Amber Light
    AMBER light means voters should be cautious about the candidate. CLC is still evaluating this individual, does not have enough data, or their record is mixed. View their quotes & voting history to help you decide.
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